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Is family mediation legally binding?

Is family mediation legally binding?

Family mediation is seen as a cost-effective route for a couple who are separating to discuss and agree on their financial and child arrangements. But is family mediation legally binding? Can a court order me to participate in Family Mediation? Accredited Family...
How much does family mediation cost?

How much does family mediation cost?

Our accredited family mediator, Sam O’Dwyer, delves into family mediation costs and why it’s seen as a cost-effective alternative for agreeing financial and child arrangements during a divorce or separation. Family mediation works by helping separating couples...
How can you protect your business in a divorce?

How can you protect your business in a divorce?

Estella Newbold-Brown, Head of Family Law at Amphlett Lissimore, explains how going through a divorce can affect your business, and what you can do to protect it. Will my business be considered in a divorce? Essentially, yes. In a divorce, your business is considered...
Ever been gaslighted? Gaslighting in relationships

Ever been gaslighted? Gaslighting in relationships

Family Law Executive, Carole Hack discusses gaslighting as a form of domestic abuse. What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of domestic abuse because someone who is being gaslit, is being covertly emotional/psychologically abused. It is not just a form of acute...
Divorce Day: Do more people get divorced in January?

Divorce Day: Do more people get divorced in January?

January has become known as “divorce month” due to a common misconception that January is the month that people make the most enquiries with lawyers regarding a separation. The first working day Monday of the year has also become known as ‘Divorce Day’, which has been...