We regularly hear in the news about celebrities signing a prenuptial agreement, however these aren’t just for the rich and famous.
What is a prenuptial agreement and why do I need one?
A prenuptial agreement is a document made and signed by a couple before they marry concerning the ownership of their respective assets should the marriage fail. Now that all sounds a bit depressing doesn’t it? No one wants to think about their upcoming marriage falling apart before its even begun, but anyone who is about to enter into a marriage having already spent hard earned cash, blood, sweat, tears etc in acquiring either property or any other investment, would be well advised to consider protecting them. Alternatively, you may want to reassure children from a first marriage that despite your wish to remarry, you wish to protect their future inheritance. It can only help the relationship between the children and the new step-parent if they know their parent is marrying for the right reasons.
Whatever your reasoning behind wanting to protect something that you are entering a new chapter in your life with, there can be little doubt that if what you want to achieve in your forthcoming marriage is fairness, the time to discuss this is as soon as possible. The document will provide certainty for both parties. You can still share what you then build up as a couple but the expectation as to what will happen if it all goes pear-shaped will be clear.
View it as putting your house in order as you might when having a will drawn up. The fact that you don’t necessarily expect to die the next day doesn’t prevent you having the will written. The same goes for prenuptial agreements. Once the agreement is signed, put it away and forget about it. The likelihood is you’ll never actually need it. If you do however have to dust it off one day, you may well be glad you did.
Top tip – Deal with the prenuptial agreement early
The last thing you will want to be worrying about whilst you are having that last minute dress/suit fitting is when you should telephone a solicitor to discuss how quickly they can draw up a prenup for you. Get it over and done with early so that you can truly enjoy what is to come.
Remember marriage must not be undertaken carelessly, lightly, or selfishly, but reverently, responsibly, and after serious thought… and preferably with a prenuptial agreement.
Are you considering a prenuptial agreement? Amphlett Lissimore has offices across South London and one of our Family Law team would be happy to talk you through the process. If you would like to know more visit our prenuptial agreements page or call us on 020 8771 5254.
About the Author
Donna Rose is a Solicitor at Amphlett Lissimore, and specialises in Family Law. She is a trained Family Mediator and a member of Resolution, based at our Crystal Palace office.